If Not WinActive($Win, "") Then WinActivate($Win, "") I also altered it so that it works on sliders with volumes set less than 3%. I have been using ferrix's script for some time but I modified it to set all application volume sliders to to match the current master volume rather than setting them all to 50%. $null = New-Item -Path 'HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\Polic圜onfig\' -Name PropertyStore Remove-Item -Path 'HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\Polic圜onfig\PropertyStore' -Force -Recurse Stop-Service -Name AudioEndpointBuilder -Force Or, if you prefer it without the crude feedback text or self-elevation: Stop-Service -Name Audiosrv -Force :) If(!(new-object (::GetCurrent())).IsInRole(::Administrator)) Why? It runs a lot faster than the batch script, and I use this alot. Thanks to this autoit thread for info on moving slider controls.īit of a Powershell rewrite of the answer shared by Steven above, I borrowed a bit from the nifty self elevating code here: If not WinActive($Win,"") Then WinActivate($Win,"") If Not WinActive($Win,"") Then WinActivate($Win,"") _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($CtrlHandle, $SetValue)

$CtrlHandle = ControlGetHandle($Win, '', $Ctrl) It causes all sliders to unmute and go to 50%. So I made an autoit script to do this more quickly than humanly possible :) I compiled it via tools->build and that way I can run the exe by searching in the start menu. I finally searched the net to see if there was some secret hot key or combo I was missing.

I have to do this all-max -> reset all the time.