
How to open.uif file
How to open.uif file

There are no kinds of malicious items distributed along with the main program, as there are no 3 rd-party advertised software either. Make sure not to mess with any of other files. A readme file with information and instructions regarding the software are included in the archive too (it’s the “uif2iso.txt” file), in case you have any kind of questions about it. You just have to download the corresponding archive, extract its contents, and then double-click on “UIF2ISO.exe” in order to launch UIF2ISO.

how to open.uif file how to open.uif file

There’s really no installation required for this program. This free tool allows you to convert UIF files back to their original image file format (ISO, IMG, MDF, etc.) easily from its DOS-like GUI. However, without MagicISO installed, it’s not easy to access the contents of a UIF file, which is the reason why UIF2ISO was created by Luigi Auriemma. UIF has many advantages over other types of disk image files (compression, encryption, etc.) therefore it’s reasonable for people to use it. Many times, power users come across UIF ( Universal Image Format) files this type of files is a virtual disc image format designed primarily for use with MagicISO, a CD/DVD image utility that can process disc image files. " Convert UIF files to uncompressed images."

How to open.uif file