
How to increase housing civ 6
How to increase housing civ 6

how to increase housing civ 6

  • Resources that both you and your trading partner already have are color-coded with a tan button.
  • Resources you only have 1 of are considered scarce, and are given a red font.
  • Resources you have direct access to are sorted by decreasing quantity.
  • Resource icons have been color-coded and custom sorted - image.
  • All resources a civilization has access to are now listed, including those acquired via trade with other civs and those imported from city states, to avoid trading for resources you already have.
  • It's a totally revamped diplomatic deals screen, with an improved and expanded layout, easier to read and navigate offer area, color-coded icons, and more in-depth information. Over the time, some other UI mods were integrated into CQUI.
  • Right clicking the action panel (bottom right button) instantly ends turn even when things like production/research/unit moves have not been decided.
  • Luxury resources are displayed in the top bar alongside strategic resources - image.
  • "Smart Banner" Toggleable option to display a green icon indicating non-locked citizens and district icons indicating built districts - image.
  • Growth/Amenities/Bordergrowth info baked into city banners - image.
  • Unit actions like sell/delete are no longer hidden behind an expando - image.
  • Enhanced, Civ V binding scheme with WASD assigned to camera control, Q/E assigned to city/unit cycling, and Shift assigned to shifting focus between city and unit selection modes.
  • how to increase housing civ 6

  • Classic, a faithful recreation of the Civ V binding scheme.
  • Improved resource icons are dimmed to emphasize unutilized resources - image.
  • Growth/Production progress is enumerated in the city panel - image.
  • Citizen management icons are overhauled to make seeing yield info easier - image.
  • Civic/Tech notifications spawned at 50%/100% research progress.
  • Recommandation UI can be enabled/disabled.
  • Optionally, the voiceover can still be kept even without the popup.
  • Civilopedia remembers the last visited page.
  • Tech/Civic Tree and Civilopedia now autofocus the searchbar.
  • Enter key now bound to finalizing a pin in pin creation menu.
  • Right click in pinlist to quickly delete pins.
  • Diplomatic banner shows the scores of the civilizations - image.
  • "My Government" tab removed from Government panel - image.
  • Improved amenities city details screen (Clean Icons) - image.
  • Production panel elements compressed and reordered - image.
  • Linux : ~/.local/share/aspyr-media/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods Mac : /Users//Library/Application Support/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods Windows : Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods

    How to increase housing civ 6